Sunday, August 26, 2007

Funny as F***

Hello there! I thought I would take this time to show off some of my favorite web-shows that are floating around the net.

The people at are so incredibly funny! They have done everything from sketch comedy, to TV sitcom pilots, to short films, even filming a little documentary-esque film about them spoiling Harry Potter book 7 at a local book store! Do yourself a favor and check out what these guys have to offer. I definitely recommend checking out the pilot episode for Tom's Life, which they describe on the site as, "a really bad, cheesy sitcom". It's super funny and you should check it out now! ;]

Mortal Komedy
What can I say, these guys are funny as f***! Mortal Komedy can I describe it, and awesomely funny web-sitcom featuring the characters of Mortal Kombat. These kids dress up like the characters of Mortal Kombat and place them in regular and not-so-regular (but always humorous) situations and they do a really good job at playing their roles. I encourage you guys (and gals) to check out Mortal Komedy on youtube or on their official web-site at

Godawful Games
Godawful Games is a godawesome video game review show on youtube. Hellsing920 (possibly not his real name) takes old games from the 16-bit era of videogames and pretty much chews them a new asshole. His reviews are funny as hell! He has done terrible games such as Beetlejuice, Rocko's Modern Life, Home Alone, Judge Dredd, etc. While funny, his reviews mostly ring true, as many video games back then were absolutely terrible, even by those standards. Check his reviews out at

So yeah, check out those shits!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Games of the Future

Well, here are some upcoming games that I am absolutely tickled pink for (did I really just say "tickled pink"?).

Damn, this game is pretty. Made by the ever-awesome 2K Games, whom I am a huge fan of (Elder Scrolls!!!), this game is looking to be the contender for game of the year for 2007. I know, it's probably too soon to say that as the game hasn't been released yet (try convincing Toys-R-Us of that), but this game is absolutely stunning to look at. Words really can't describe the awesomeness of this game, so maybe the actual trailer will get the point across.

Awesome, much? Look for this game to be (officially) released for Xbox 360 on August 21st.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
There is a reason that the Metal Gear Solid series is one of my favorites of all time. The reason is the engaging storylines, magnificent gameplay, and overall production value. Hideo Kojima, the creator of the series, is nothing short of a genious in the field of gaming and storytelling. MGS4 is supposedly going to be the last game of the series concerning (protagonist) Solid Snake; and it will be the last in the series that Kojima works on (but we've heard that before...). I am looking forward to this game so much because Solid Snake hasn't really been the main protagonist since the first Metal Gear Solid game (this is not counting the original two Metal Gear games for the Nintendo and SNES). The graphics of this game are very pleasing to the eye, but don't take my word for it...

Super amazing, no doubt. Look for this game to grace store shelves in early 2008. Now my only problem is scraping up enough money for a Playstation 3 so I can actually play the game!

Final Fantasy XIII
It's strange that I'm extremely excited for FFXIII when, to date, I have yet to play Final Fantasy XII; but there is no denying the beauty of this game. Now, most people would think that a game series that has gone on as long as Final Fantasy would have to get stale at some point...and those people are partially right (Final Fantasy 8 & 9 anyone?), but Final Fantasy XIII looks like it may be what the series needs to push it as a contender in the next-gen market. Just check out the stunning visuals of this trailer...

Absoluetly beautiful! Who knows how much of that represents actual gameplay, but it is looking awesome regardless. Nobody knows when this game is coming out (my bet is late 2008), but when it does, my (eventual) PS3 will be in "on" mode non-stop...or at least until I finish the game.

I'm sure that there are more games that I'm dying for...but this entry has gone on long enough. I'll probably need to do a Games of the Future pt. 2 or something. Until then, please enjoy the trailers that I have lifted from youtube.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Terrible "Three's"

Here is a rundown of two terrible movies that everybody loves. Two terrible comic book movies, as a matter of fact. That's right, Spider-Man 3 and X-Men 3.

I'll start with Spider-Man. Now, I absolutely loved the first two movies. I felt that, for the most part, the movies stayed pretty true to the source material and I greatly enjoyed them. When Spider-Man 3 came around, I was excited like you wouldn't believe. I stayed up until midnight on Friday to see the film (I was unable to make it to the previous nights showing), and...the movie was really bad! I mean, I can make a list of all of the things I disliked about the film. In fact...I think I just might do that.

1. The movie was WAY too long.

2. I HATED the fact that they changed the storyline of how Uncle Ben died. Last I checked, Sandman had absolutely nothing to do with the death of Uncle Ben (but, leave it to Hollywood to crap on the source material).

3. There wasn't enough of Spider-Man. I thought the movie was called "Spider-Man", not "Peter Parker and his relationship issues".

4. The extremely lame dance scene (I actually forgot that I was watching a Spider-Man movie during this scene).

5. That scene where Spider-Man, in his fit of rage, pulls his hair in front of his face while looking in the mirror (note the visible eyeliner in this scene). What were they going for here? Were they trying to appeal to the "scene" crowd?

6. Child dialogue during the final fight scene. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't think that children should have lines in any comic book movie from now on (unless it's a comic book character who actually is a child). It just made the scene too campy and uncomfortable for me to watch.

I could go on and on...but I think I've bitched enough for one move (gotta save up some energy for X-Men). Point is, Spider-Man 3 not only took a royal dump on it's source material, it couldn't even pull it off to make it an engaging story. The movie was just too huge...way too long. Now, if you don't care about the comic books at all and just want a nice epic, romance movie, then by all mean, don't let this keep you from seeing it (if you haven't yet). But if you're like me and you actually care about the comic books then you probably won't like Spider-Man 3 so much. It's funny, before I went to see the movie, I had a couple of friends that had seen it already and they all said "It's a good movie, but you probably won't like it", and they were exactly right.

Now, X-Men 3 is a completely different story. There is absolutely no excuse for the travesty of a movie that was X-Men 3. I will always be amazed that so many people liked this movie so much. Now, the X-Men movies aren't exactly famous for staying true to the comic books, but I actually enjoyed the first two movies for the most part. However, X-Men 3 literally took NOTHING from the source material. I don't know how anybody was allowed to write a movie this bad. Let's crank out the list...

1. The "death" of Professor Xavier was incredibly lame. Come on...he exploded!?! I don't remember that from the comics. Now, it is worth noting that he didn't exactly die. If you stuck around after the credits (which I didn't), you learn that Professor X transported his consciousness to another person or whatever. But still, not cool. After he exploded at the will of Jean Grey, I literally could only say, "what the fuck?".

2. The death of Cyclops about five minutes into the film. Come on....were they trying to recreate the Johnny Cage incident from Mortal Kombat Annihilation?

3. Rogue accepting the "cure" for mutants. They should've gone with the alternate scene where she decides no to go through with the procedure...oh well.

4. The fact that it took until the third movie for us to finally see original X-Men Beast and Angel. Yes, Hank McCoy had a small cameo in X-Men 2, but come on...

5. The fact that they turned Juggernaut into a mutant. Anybody who reads the comics knows that Juggernaut is not a mutant and that he got his powers from some sort of magical gem (or something). Therefore, Leech's ability to nullify mutant powers shouldn't have had any effect on Juggernaut.

6. The loss of Magneto's powers near the end of the film (by far the saddest part of the movie for me). However, some hope is given near the ending when he moves a chess piece with his powers.

7. The sappy love connection with Wolverine and Jean that has been pushed since the first movie and comes to a head right before Wolverine impales Jean with his claws, effectively killing her.

I could go on forever on this one, but it is too terrible of a movie. If you don't care about the comics, then you may find something to like in X-Men 3. As for me, I'm gonna go watch something worth something created by Kevin Smith. Good day.

By the way, I hope I didn't ruin the movies for anybody.

Upcoming Movies That Matter

Saw IV (10.26.07)
Be Kind Rewind (12.21.07)
"Cloverfield" (1.18.08)
Iron Man (5.2.08)
Speed Racer (5.9.08)
Star Trek XI (12.25.08)

Well, I thought that this would be a fitting first blog entry as a way to let you all know what kind of person I am. These are the movies that I am eagerly anticipating for the next year and a half.

Saw IV
I am a HUGE fan of the Saw series; which is surprising even to me. It's funny, because I am not a fan of horror or gore whatsoever (athough, I did enjoy both Kill Bill films). I think that I like the Saw series because of the engaging storyline and the magnificent acting of Tobin Bell (that alone is a reason to see the movies). I must admit that I was extremely skeptical of the series at first, which resulted in me waiting until the first one came out on DVD to see it. But after seeing the film...with my broad daylight...with all the blinds open (hey, I was scared), I discovered that these are actually amazing movies that don't belong in the "horror" category at all. It's my personal belief that these are thriller films...not horror films. After seeing the first the films (I saw the third movie twice in was that damn good), I am greatly anticipating the fourth installment. I was a little worried about the thought of a fourth film (I mean, how long can a movie series go before it gets stale); but after gaining some knowledge on the fourth movie from online resources such as Wikipedia (God bless that site), I am more excitied than ever for this movie.

Be Kind Rewind
I only recently found out about this movie, but it is looking to be the funniest movie of the year for me; even funnier than Knocked Up (which I loved) and Superbad (which I haven't seen yet). I seriously think that this has a chance to be one of Jack Black's greatest films. It's about a guy named Jerry (Jack Black) who ends up (through events less than fortunate) erasing every video in a local video store where his best friend Mike (Mos Def) works. Fearing that this will cost Mike his job, the two team up to recreate all of the movies that the store's only loyal customer (played by Mia Farrow) decides to rent. They make hilarious, low-budget recreations of films such as Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, RoboCop, Rush Hour 2, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Boyz in the Hood, and the Lion King. Eventually they become local celebrities and yadda yadda yadda so on and so forth. Needless to say, this is gonna be a very funny movie that I absolutely cannot wait for.

Nobody actually knows what this movie is called (except, of course, director J.J. Abrams), but it is generating a lot of buzz online through trailers, viral marketing, etc. I have seen the teaser trailer for this film no fewer than 50 times and it gets me more excited the more I look at it. While very little is known about this film, what we do know is that it will center around group of people struggling to survive a giant monster attack on New York City. J.J. Abrams has been quoted as saying something to the effect of he wants America to have "our own Godzilla". He wants us to love our own monster/creature thing the way the Japanese love Godzilla. I am really hoping that he can pull this off. That's not the only J.J Abrams production I'm looking forward too...but more on that later.

Iron Man
I'm gonna be honest, I was never a big fan of the Iron Man all. Especially after the Marvel Civil War series, Iron Man earned my eternal hatred and wrath. But I can't help but think that this will be a fantastic movie. I have heard much about the "amazing" trailer for the movie that was shown at Comic-Con 07 (I have yet to see this trailer), and I just can't help but feel excitment for this movie. I'm sure the special effects will be absolutely brilliant, and this may just finally make Tony Stark (Iron Man) a likable character for me.

Speed Racer
I love the cartoon (the original, not the half-assed remake made for Nickelodeon a few years back). As much as Speed Racer, is parodied in just about every modern cartoon, nobody can deny that it is engaging had had an impact on the way cartoons are done today. I mean, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? I am definitely looking forward to this movie. Although, I was a little worried when that rumor was going around about Shia LeBeouf playing Speed (is anybody else tired of seeing that guy in films?). I know that the fact that the Wachowski Brothers are doing the movie worries some people, but it excites me. I loved all three Matrix films (I don't care what anybody says...), and I believe that the Wachowski Bros. will actually do a good job at staying faithful to the source material. As long as they don't make Rex Racer and Racer X two different characters then we're cool.

Star Trek XI
Ah...Star Trek. I love Star Trek and I am definitely looking forward to the new Star Trek film. This is the other project by J.J. Abrams that I am stoked for and I really hope that he pulls this off. He needs to, so he can make up for Stuart Baird's mistake. For those of you who don't know, Stuart Baird was te director of the abysmal failure that was Star Trek Nemesis. I had some worries about this movie with rumors of actors such as Matt Damon and Tom Cruise taking part in the film. They are both good actors, but...I don't know about you, but I don't think that either of them belongs in ANYTHING Star Trek related. The Matt Damon rumors were shot down (thank God), now I'm just waiting to learn that Tom Cruise will in fact NOT be taking part in the film. Although, there have been some good cast announcements as well. Like, Zachary Quinto (of Heroes fame) and Leonard Nimoy will both be playing Spock. I love Heroes and I love Zachary Quinto's character in that show. I'm sure he'll do an awesome job as Spock. This new Star Trek film is the movie that I am most looking forward too from my list...which is why it kills me that I have to wait until NEXT Christmas to see it. Oh well, I'm sure it will be worth it, and you can bet that I will be at the local theater at midnight on Christmas Eve (next year).

Well, that's my list of my most anticipated films for the next year and a half. Check back frequently to view more of my oppinions, praises and gripes on the latest comic books, movies, music and video games.
